My companion-grandma, Sister Wairepo, would return home this Wednesday (July 13th) and my new companion would be Sis. Paulo. I would be driving again, long driving this time as STLs or sister training leaders. I'm grateful for the many opportunities to find people to teach and witness miracles this week.
July 12, Tuesday - Today, I joined Sister Wairepo in the temple session for departing missionaries. It was my first temple session with her and really amazing. I then helped her finalize the weighing of her baggage while waiting for my new companion who was in a leadership training. After lunch, I said my parting wishes, the last time I saw her with her badge. Then I got my new companion and drove the car back to our area. We visited 5 referrals from the mission office, met Aster who agreed to meet with us again tomorrow, visited the Phillips whose father is visiting from NZ, shared the Restoration using the cups with Jenti and son Jacob (Jacob asked to keep the cups and accepted our invitation for baptism on Aug 13), met Mayron whom we tried to visit last time but no one opened the door, and the Berryman family (whom we spoke only at the door because mom was making dinner but welcomed us to pop in if they're home.
July 13, Wednesday - We made new restoration cups during lunch time because Jacob now had our cups. We then visited Joshua and Vivian and watched the video "Blessing of the Temple" with them. We pray that all will be well with Joshua's sleeping challenge and be able to come to church this Sunday. On the other hand, Lana showed interest in the temple and accepted our invitation to be baptized on August 6th. We also visited Aster and her husband Alan invited us in. We tried to share a lesson about Restoration but he did not let us finish; sad but we respected his agency.
We then visited the Tuitupou who also invited member friends from Point Cook. We shared the Restoration cups. Philip, Sister Tuitupou's husband and non-LDS, showed interest to learn more. That was a miracle! When we invited them to church, he said definitely nd shook our hands with both of his hands. Awesome!
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